Addressing Mental Health Concerns: Two Free Resources for the Healthcare Industry

With 46% of health workers reporting frequent burnout and 37% of RNs reporting they feel burned out most days, it’s no wonder the CDC has stated: “Health workers face a mental health crisis.” In this blog, we’re sharing two free resources that can help you identify and mitigate mental health stressors in healthcare.

Strategies for Addressing Mental Health Concerns Infographic

The first is our free infographic, Top HR Concerns in Healthcare. It highlights the workforce challenges in healthcare that are creating stress, as well as strategies to overcome them. Click here or on the image below to download your free copy.

Alerion Healthcare Infographic Thumnail - Top HR Concerns in Healthcare - Mental Health Crisis

Free Curriculum for Nurses

The second resource is a free curriculum designed to help nurses cope with stress and burnout. In October, the American Nurses Foundation, in partnership with the United Health Foundation, the philanthropic foundation of UnitedHealth Group, officially launched Nurse Well-Being: Building Peer and Leadership Support.

According to a press release, early survey results show the program has been successful. There have been reports of a 28% decrease in burnout among nurses enrolled in the pilot program after six months.

“The full program curriculum is a free resource available to all nurses,” reports the American Nurses Foundation. “It includes a comprehensive overview, a training guide for nurse leaders, an implementation guide, and the complete course, all of which offers continuing education credits for nurses. Initially designed as a peer-to-peer program, Nurse Well-Being has been adapted based on insights from pilot sites and focus groups. Now, it places special emphasis on training nurse leaders and developing their roles within the program.”

If you would like to learn more about the program, click here.

Need a Change?

If you’re not getting the right work-life balance in your current role, are looking for a change, or want to take the lead in your chosen healthcare field, Alerion Healthcare can help. Our recruiters specialize in helping you find the ideal fit for your healthcare career. Find out how.


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